Product Description
Symmetric High Bitrate DSL Fiber Service Unit
The new SHDSL-FSU (Symmetric High bitrate DSL Fiber Service Unit) is standalone device that serves as a media converter between electrical ITU-T G991.2 SHDSL signals and optical IEEE C37.94 fiber protocol signals. It is designed to enable modern C37.94 equipped application devices to communicate over legacy copper pilot wire infrastructure. The C37.94 fiber interface also comes with a non-standard single-mode LED as an option for longer distances between the application device and the FSU.
The C37.94-to-SHDSL FSU is the perfect cost-effective solution in a single stand-alone platform to transport protective relaying devices or any industrial devices reliably over existing long copper lines. The FSU unit is capable of switching or distributing SHF/TDM payload between individual HDSL ports.